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Hire Coinbase Developers

The American company Coinbase was founded in June 2012 and is based in San Francisco, California. Coinbase offers an e-wallet and trading platform for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

In simple words, this is a trading platform that provides an opportunity for everyone to manipulate cryptocurrency. Coinbase is getting more and more popular and companies start looking for a Coinbase developer to advance their business. However, sometimes finding for employment qualified applicants is a hard task.

In this article we've gone into detail about the notion of Coinbase, it's advantages and finally, about the best ways to hire a good Coinbase developer.

What does the notion of Coinbase mean?

Coinbase is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the international arena, whose mission is to increase economic freedom. The trading platform is popular with both novice traders and experienced investors. At the moment, more than 70 million regular customers cooperate with the crypto exchange.

The main feature of the exchange is the presence of a reliable online crypto wallet for storing assets.

It is worth noting that initially CoinBase acted as a highly specialized service for manipulating BTC. However, now the project has turned into a full-fledged ecosystem consisting of the following products:

  1. 01
    Secure platform. A large cryptocurrency trading platform designed for serious clients. The minimum entry threshold is $10 million;
  2. 02
    Crypto exchange. Coinbase allows you to trade digital coins at a professional level. The main feature is wide functionality;
  3. 03
    Crypto wallet. An online wallet that allows you to store cryptocurrency.

If you are in search of a credible Coinbase developer for your project, we recommend you to work with the best development team of Alfee. Read on to learn how the development process goes on, and what makes our team so special.

How does the software engineering process go on?

If you are in need of a trustworthy Coinbase developer, Alfee is ready to offer you for employment qualified applicants depending on the requirements of your project.

We follow a strick and detailed algorythm in the development process. Find the main stages below.

Research & analyses

Business requirements for the open financial system are formed, the wishes and needs of users are taken into account, the boundaries of the project are determined. Depending on the job description, specialists from various fields are involved in the work (marketing, sales, support, and so on).


At this stage, security issues should be considered, in particular with regard to identification, authentication, registration of information security events (hereinafter referred to as IS), protection of IS incidents, control of the completeness, accuracy and correctness of the processed data. This is done through threat assessment, attack surface analysis, security requirements definition, and risk analysis.

Prototyping & design

For the efficient execution of any project you need to think over in detail it design, therefore, Alfee experienced designers are deeply focused on the best practises of blockchain development and they do their utmost to deliver the most brilliant projects.

Development & Deployment

Alfee team members are renowned for applying secure programming practices and strick adherence to timeline and budget. The whole development process is absolutely transparent, you are aware of all the stages and the overall progress.


Alfee experts check if everything works smoothly, and inform our Coinbase developer team on any errors and bugs. They are fixed to tailor the project to perfection.

Management & support

We are ready to provide after development maintenance of the project in a manner consistent with your main requirements.

We adhere to the general data protection regulation, and arrange workforce in a manner consistent with state regulations in order to ensure economic freedom to every person. In order to deliver high quality work, our experts study each case thoroughly and find the best option.

Benefits of Coinbase blockchain technology as an open financial system

Coinbase is considered to be an equal opportunity employer. It has a number of benefits that cannot be discarded.

Coinbase states its mission as to increase economic freedom around the globe. Positive energy is one of the core values of Coinbase, together with uninterrupted learning and effective performance.

Basic CoinBase will seem intuitive even to inexperienced users. In the basic version, users can buy and sell digital coins. More than 500 different token types are available within the platform, including stablecoins token. In addition, information about all transactions can be sent to e-mail or mobile device.

Coinbase supports global data privacy notice program. One of the advantages of the crypto exchange platform is that it offers the Coinbase Visa card. With it, you can pay for purchases with cryptocurrency like regular money. Payment can be made wherever Visa is supported.

The trading platform allows you to withdraw funds through the Paypal system or to bank cards. The crypto exchange is carried out in strict accordance with the exchange rate. In addition, it is possible to transfer to the Etherium, Litecoin and Bitcoin systems. The main thing is to indicate the crypto wallet number exactly.

Skill set of a good Coinbase developer

It goes without saying that a highly qualified Coinbase developer should possess a certain set of skills. Our team has prepared a list of necessary aspects, which we believe are a must for a demanded Coinbase specialist:

  • skills in the field of information security;
  • understanding of data structures;
  • knowledge of basic design patterns;
  • experience in optimizing and refactoring your own code;
  • experience in software engineering;
  • working practice with various frameworks;
  • mastering of Coinbase Cloud Tools, etc.

Where to hire Coinbase developer?

One of the most urgent questions is where to find for employment qualified applicants. Actually, you have two options here - working with a freelancer or hiring a dedicated team. Each option has its own pluses and minuses.


This option is highly affordable, since freelancers don't charge much. All you need to do is to place a job description and then choose among the applicants depending on your preferences. However, when you work with a freelance Coinbase developer, you have no oofficial guarantees of the product quality.

Dedicated teams

Dedicated teams will cost you more, but this is the case when higher price helps to save quality. You get certain guarantees and you know what to expect. The whole development process is absolutely transparent and it takes place within the stated timeline.

If you want to get software engineering services of impecable quality, hire Coinbase experts from Alfee professional team.

Why work with Alfee Coinbase engineers?

Alfee can boast of a brilliamt team specializing in blockchain technology. Coinbase which is equal opportunity employer, provides great opportunities for everyone, that's why Alfee company has a separate page of Coinbase development in its software engineering histiry.

We are fluent in all major programming languages, our product managers are familiar with the most advanced managing technologies. Each Coinbase developer in Alfee team bears full responsibility for their work.

We take into consideration all your preferences and requirements in order to empower a success project tailored to your current business needs.

Find your best job applicants at Alfee company!

Questions for Hiring of Coinbase Developers

What technology is used in Coinbase?

Coinbase uses blockchain technology. Anyone can download a copy of the blockchain, and it can be inspected to trace the path of bitcoins from one bitcoin transaction to another. The Coinbase company relies on artificial intelligence (AI) using machine learning tools from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

How can a Coinbase developer help you?

A Coinbase developerr can help any person who wants to buy cryptocurrency with fiat money. For small businesses and investors looking to invest in cryptocurrencies, Coinbase is a great option. If you still have no idea how Coinbase participates in the development of a successful business project, just get in touch with Alfee professional team.

Coinbase Developers and Programmers for Hire

Don't know where to find credible Coinbase engineers? Undoubtedly, you can chat with any familiar person and ask for help. Perhaps, they will recommend you reliable candidates. Another way out is to hire a trustwirthy Coinbase development company like Alfee. Our experts will help you go through application procedure and choose the most suitable solution.


We are happy to discuss your project and offer an individual approach to product development.

Contact us in a way that is convenient for you or fill out the feedback form!

I will answer your questions about the project

Edward van Guber

Edward van Guber

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