Want to find enterprise web development company? Get in touch with Alfee experienced team and enjoy great results. We deliver scalable and trustworthy enterprise solutions in accordance with particular business objectives. If you want to get user friendly websites or mobile apps to boost productivity work closely with Alfee developers.
Enterprise Website Development
In the 21st century an enterprise website is not only the face of the company, its a bright online showcase, an indispensable business assistant in solving urgent practical problems. Enetrprise websites have become an effective sales channel, a platform for internal and external communications, a way to increase brand awareness, as well as an additional platform for advertising companies.
Both an enterprise website and an enterprise web application refine company's reputation and assist to demonstrate it in the best light. What you need to do is to come across a credible and trustworthy development team like Alfee to carry out the work properly. We are experts in enterprise web development and our professionals will be glad to implement all your ideas into practive to help you reach the desired results and take you business to a totally new level.
What does the notion of Enterprise Web Development comprise?
When we speak about enterprise web development services, we mean creation of specialised software for enterprises. However, there are three notions which are often confused and used interchangeably, which we would like to tell you a bit more in detail, i.e. enterprise web app development, enterprise website development, enterprise software development.
Enterprise web app development
This notion means creation of web based applications for businesses, which can be used both for inner and outer needs. Web application has become a must in the modern society, since everyone today has a smartphone and stays tuned around the clock. Enterprise web applications help to establish closer contact with potential customers and existing clients. What is mre they can be used for improving communication inside the company.
Enterprise website development
This is the process of creating a website for the company. This ensures your online visibility and online presence. An enterprise website is a source of important information for your potential clients, this means that your website structure and design can be a decisive factor when making up one's mind whether to buy from you or not.
Enterprise software development
Enterprise software is used exceptionally for internal purposes. Clients and customers have nothing to do with it, since its main function is to automate the inner processes of the company, arrange management effectively, keep records, accounting, etc.
Why do you need Enterprise Websites?
If you still have doubts about the necessity of enterprise websites, we have prepared a small list of the main functions carried out by them and their benefits not only for small business but also for large scale enterprises:
Informational. Enterprise web development creates a portal, on the pages of which all essential information about the company is collected. After familiarization with enterprise websites, customers receive all the information they are interested in about the activities, products or services of the company;
Reputational. This resource helps to create a positive image of the brand, increase customer awareness and loyalty;
Organizational. Enterprise web development is a must for those who need to manage orders easily and arrange the sale of goods or services online;
Scaling. Enterprise web development is a perfect way of expanding customer base. When people sign up or go through the registration process, they ususally leave their contacts, i.e. telephone number or e-mail, and these contacts are included into the customer base;
Expanding. With enterprise web development you can significantly enlarge the geography of sales and cover new regions. Create your online presence no matter where you are located.
Enterprise web development company like Alfee can help you increase sales through a new distribution channel. We deliver enterprise web solutions without bugs or errors. Our experts guarantee total correspondence of the declared cost of the project to its real price, without unnecessary overpayments. Implementation of the project is carried out within the agreed time frame. Alfee projects boast of high responsiveness that allows you to promote pages effectively and reach higher ROI.
Our team offers quality that meets the latest requirements and trends in software development. Just get in touch with Alfee team and enjoy an integrated approach to complex projects, which is provided by a team of highly qualified specialists.
Functionality of Enterprise Web Solutions
A web apps and enterprise websites not only reveal the entire amount of useful information about the company, but also contain tools for processing content. They can be integrated with automation tools (ERP, CIS, CRM) that allow you to manage trade, resources, interact with customers, and also keep accounting records.
We've identified the main modules of successful web development solutions:
About us. This section should include information about the company, definition, mission, history of creation, everything about the staff and employees;
Enterprise news. It may contain details on both internal and external events, orders, promotions, etc.;
Communication module. It's necessary for organization of contacts, may contain feedback form, forum discussions, corporate chat;
Trading module. One of the most important elements of an enterprise website, comprising catalogues, lists of goods & services, orders, deliveries;
Reviews & testimonials. This module will help your potential customers make up their mind about buying/not buying from you;
Successful cases. Tell users about your most outstanding cases with a demonstration of completed tasks and unique solutions;
Documents. To add more trustworthiness and credibility to your company, place enterprise licenses, permits, and other important documents.
The more tools you offerto your users, the better. Alfee team is eager to implement the latest technologies and the most advanced techniques to deliver top enterprise web development services for your business.
Enterprise Web Development Process
Making a profit is the main interest of any company. Alfee team is able to create enterprise websites and web apps that will work for the development and expansion of your company. Our enterprise web development strategy is based on simple yet powerful methods. Find the development process we follow below:
01Project analyses. To create an enterprise website that will generate profit, we define project and select tools that will unlock its potential;
02Design and development. At this stage we develop an adaptive website design, which will become a logical continuation of corporate identity and will allow you to effectively promote it in search engines;
03Programming. Our expert developers master several prgramming languages. We program the color palette, set the fonts, determine the location, appearance and functionality of the elements - menus, interfaces, forms, buttons and links;
04SEO optimization. At this stage we pick up the tools that promote the site in search results and attracts new visitors;
05Testing & launching. We thoroughly check the website for bugs and errors, and eliminate them if any to deliver absolutely bug-free innovative solutions;
06Maintenance. Alfee expert developers carry out any technical improvements to the developed enterprise website, integration with various systems and services.
Enterprise web develoopment is a long and complex process that requires investing. Enterprise web develpment is impossible with free templates, using free hosting and not developing it. If you don't want to risk creating a poor customer experience, cooperate with professionals like Alfee. We will support your project at any stage of its existence, from corporate identity development to SEO promotion and web app creation.
How to build a Successful Enterprise Web Application
If you want to build enterprise websites or web apps, you have two options, i.e. working with freelance developers and cooperating with a professional development team.
You can find a contractor for your enterprise web development project by placing an ad on the freelance exchange. Then you just choose one of the responding specialists. This option is the most cost efficient, since creating a project will be much cheaper than at a web studio. However, the quality may suffer a lot because you don't have any guarantees from a freelancer.
Dedicated team
When you work with web development company, the whole development process is more transparent. All stages take place in the prescribed volumes and terms, which gives great guarantees. As a rule, such web development companies employ web programmers who have enough experience to deliver an enterprise website with complex functionality.
Alfee experienced professionals deliver top notch enterprise web development services at the best ratio of quality and price.
Why select Alfee for Enterprise Web Application Development?
Enterprise web development is a complex task, and it is much more difficult than the creation of ordinary websites. Alfee company guarantees best-in-class enterprise web solutions that meet high quality standards. We have created more than a hundred enterprise web apps and websites, and we constantly receive positive feedback thanks to high customer satisfaction.
Alfee specialists are ready to take on all the work on further enterprise website maintenance, its updating and support. Additionally, we provide SEO optimization for top search presentation of the site. Free consultations and reduced prices for all regular customers are nice bonuses of Alfee company.
How to find Enterprise Web Development Company?
What are the Benefits of Enterprise Web Development?
Enterprise web development services have numerous advantages both for large corporations and small businesses. They help establish better communication between enterprise companies and their customers, leaving the letter completely satisfied. Enterprise web development increases your business functionality, overtaking competitors.
What are Benefits of our Enterprise Web Development Services?
Enterprise web development services help reach business goals in a shorter period and with fewer marketing efforts. With enterprise web development you can significantly increase efficiency of your communication with clients and raise conversion rates. We deliver projects fully compliant with your current business processes, no matter whether you own a small business or a large enterprise.